Accreditation is defined as giving official authority or approval, or the resulting status, of certification. On June 21, 2023, Michael Shew, L.I.F.A., M.B.A., became an accredited global C.P.D. trainer.
The small Business Advisor Training Courses' objective is to create a global education and professional learning standard in every subject. Our vision is that access to knowledge and skills should be available to everyone regardless of nationality and should be an international opportunity for empowerment. That's why the Small Business Advisor Training.INFO eLearning portal is a non-institutional portal that directly bridges the gap between those with skills and those looking to gain skills. This optimal process helps you, the student, grow in your professional development and can further assist you in advancing your career or taking your small business to new heights.
Michael Shew is a CPD-accredited Trainer or subject matter expert (S.M.E.) from education, business, entrepreneurship, and industry on every subject for which he publishes content; as an experienced professional, he applies real-world knowledge and experience to create the courses on our portal. This direct connection between the skilled and the upskilling allows us to develop new courses and update existing courses in a fast-moving world where knowledge is not static. It enables us to provide you access to the study of subjects for anyone who wishes to learn.
C.P.D. Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (C.P.D. U.K.) on Small Business Advisor Training. INFO. is the process of continually developing or maintaining your professional skills. C.P.D. helps individuals focus on becoming more competent and influential professionals in their careers or small business.
C.P.D. is now accrediting courses on Small Business Advisor Training. INFO. C.P.D. in the U.K. is an independent, international organization. Accredited C.P.D. training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks, and the learning value has been scrutinized to ensure integrity and quality—this C.P.D. Certification Service provides recognized independent C.P.D. accreditation compatible with global C.P.D. requirements.
This means an advanced diploma from a course on Small Business Advisor Training.INFO can now be used as part of your C.P.D. requirements (please check with your employer's training guidelines).
High Educational Standards
While the subject matter expert creates our courses to ensure that the course content is up to date and contains the valued knowledge and skills of an experienced professional, Small Business Advisor Training.INFO separately ensures that all courses maintain a consistent standard of pedagogic expertise, such that they are well-structured, easy to follow, and communicate valuable information to the learner. Where it is possible to do so, he matches a standard of learning, at the advanced Diploma level, with international standards.
Michael Shew, President, L.I.F.A., M.B.A., SME